We plan to have camp in the rain and will have covered areas spread out in the forest for the children to gather and still be able to do activities. Also, we will likely be out hiking and playing in the rain with whoever is comfortable. If there is lightning and storms, we will cancel.  Please be prepared to pick up your child(ren) in the event of severe weather cancellation.


 Please send your children to camp in clothes and shoes that can get wet and muddy–and shoes that are good for running trails, playing games in the fields and also jumping in the creeks with. (It can be helpful to bring a towel for them to sit on in your car for pickup, as they will likely be pretty dirty).


We plan to hold camp without masks, following Athens Clarke County and CDC guidelines for outdoor activities.


Please pack all of these items for your child in a small and not too heavy backpack, as we will not be able to provide community food (although we will have this for emergencies and we will provide community water to refill their water throughout the day). We encourage you to pack healthy food! Kids eating and drinking sugar and processed foods have a hard time focusing. The children will have their backpacks with them throughout the day and can eat and drink when they like (We will have a lunch break, but some kids like to graze all day long, which is fine). 


We will hold knife certification for campers typically 8 years and older who appear to be able to do this safely. Please sign the attached waiver and bring this to camp Monday.


 The younger children may want or need naps and we will provide a quiet space for this outside under a tree, but it will not be required.


 We have 3 bathrooms at the property, but all campers need to be potty trained and not using diapers.


Please do not park and get out with your child at the camp. Parking will cause the drop-off area to be blocked. The children also typically do better migrating into the various play circles and games that will be set up at the drop-off location if they are without their parents.